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BDÜ (German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators)

Translators have the expertise to reproduce a text flawlessly and accurately in terms of content in what is called the "target language".

Be they ...

  • Official documents
  • Brochures
  • Instruction manuals
  • Poems
  • Legal texts
  • Lab reports

How is it at all possibly to provide reliable and top quality work for such a wide spectrum of topics? Simple: specialisation. All the above texts demand technical knowhow along with concrete vocabulary.

  • Product information
  • Prose
  • Plays
  • Advertising texts
  • Scientific articles

Translators of All Topics

You can imagine that operating instructions for an x-ray machine are different in terms of style and vocabulary from a bi-national marriage agreement. This is where the specialised translator steps in. These translators are highly specialised experts. The responsibility of translating texts in the field of IT, technology, science, law or medicine rests with them. This ensures that the contents in the target language are as impeccable as in the original language. The same applies to spelling, orthography, grammar and style.

When it is promotional, entertaining or challenging literary texts that you want us to translate, our creative translators get down to work. Expressions, stylistic devices, metaphors and dialect, also comic and youth lingo, and slang they have it all off pat. Dealing especially with irony, innuendos, double entendres or concealed critique has its challenges. Such translations call for a certain flair.

Translator Requirements

Present us your text, we will first analyse it thoroughly. This involves taking a number of points into consideration.

Before we make a binding offer, we look at:

  • the number of words
  • topic
  • structure and layout
  • level of complexity of language

As you can see, we translators do not just concern ourselves with a word for word, or sentence for sentence reproduction, but also with conveying the content accurately, unambiguously, in a vibrant and communicative manner.

  • complexity in terms of content
  • cultural aspects
  • wishes and demands of the client
  • delivery/submission

We are Members of BDÜ

Membership of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) is an internationally recognised certification. It gives heft to our academic profile of our translation agency by subjecting it to scrutiny. BDÜ only admits members with unequivocally established academic credentials. This is vital since interpretation and translation are not regulated professions. All the colleagues of our team overseas naturally also possess comparable memberships in their respective native countries.


Another good news for you about our BDÜ membership is the comprehensive advanced training courses that are offered. We avail of these to position ourselves at the cutting edge of information at all times. Along with this the association provides translators and interpreters with a trade journal giving relevant professional information on the national and international scene. You too reap the benefits of our expertise by extension!

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Qualified Translator

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Sworn Translator

Accreditation from the Higher Regional Court of Cologne

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BDÜ membership

BDÜ (German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators)

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