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Technical translators – experts with knowhow and skill

We translate specialised texts in over 30 languages

Technical translators are sought after in every field - especially the best! English, Spanish, Chinese, Kiswahili, Arabic or Russian: our translations of specialised texts are reliable, accurate and technically flawless. In a word: professional!

Let us presume you...

• are a doctor and want to publish an article in an English professional journal.
• own an exclusive hotel much loved by tourists from all corners of the world. You have, however, not as yet made classy brochures in various languages.
• manufacture technical appliances and machines. Reliable instruction manuals are a must for users and operators!
• operate an online shop. This calls for general terms and conditions (T&Cs) in multiple languages.
• as a notary regularly certify important contracts drawn with parties from various countries, for e.g. with Asian companies.
• want to shortly marry in South America and need to get the necessary papers translated into Argentinean Spanish in time.

Our technical translators: linguistic and professional expertise

We collaborate with the right technical translators for your special needs, requests and obligations. They have professional expertise and mastery over their craft. Translations of your goods, ideas, research findings, company brochures, specialised texts etc naturally also need to be equally good. We deliver translations that satisfy all requirements.

Our translation agency's technical translators are necessarily but not merely native speakers. For, we have access to a wide network of experts from all fields. The idea, in the final analysis, is to convey the contents accurately and precisely, be it an advertising copy or challenging legal commentaries. Specialised texts need to be not just semantically correct but stylistically vibrant and appealing too. To achieve this the technical translator has to find apt idiomatic phrases, be conversant with the latest linguistic developments and be adept at the proper use of linguistic devices.

SATZGEWINN's professional technical translators ...

• possess knowhow of the business sector in the country of the target language
• put in meticulous and reliable work
• make expedient use of technical terms
• have precise vocabulary at their command
• have complete mastery over orthography and grammar
• use expressions that are on the mark
• maintain a writing style that is lively and distinctive
• employ coherent stylistic devices
• use the right abbreviations
• are prompt in submitting their work and that is crucial for extra urgent jobs

Quality and reliability - we are at your service!

Technical translators owe their superior capabilities not merely to their status as native speakers and experts. Like you in your trade, all our colleagues are at the cutting edge of their professions. Attending advanced training courses regularly, keeping abreast through professional exchanges between colleagues and reading up on technical literature go into the making and maintaining of this status. Certifications like the ISO 9001 for lawyers vouch for optimum results.
Every single sentence bears out the status of being an expert: your own as well as that of the technical translator.

Each and every specialised text is characterised by clarity, unambiguousness, vibrancy and technical accuracy for you, your client, contractual partners or employees.

Can our technical translators be of service to you in any other way?

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Do you need a professional translation in the field of learning and education? Simply ask for a quotation right away.

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Webstores, SEO & SEM, Longtail and Fulfillment. SATZGEWINN's translators are not only familiar with the latest buzzwords of the profession but also know what these terms mean.

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Film and TV

Are you employed in the film and TV sector in search of a specialised translator?
SATZGEWINN is just the door to knock on.

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For nothing in terms of content of your scientific texts to get lost in translation settle for professional translators right from the start: SATZGEWINN

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Information Technology / Telecommunication

Our IT translators are at home in the world of bits and bytes.

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Beauty fades, good translations last. The technical translators at SATZGEWINN are experts in translations on style and fashion.

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As an artist and architect of cultural events do you fancy communicative translations from skilled connoisseurs of the field? Not an issue, get in touch with us!

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"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." SATZGEWINN would have certainly been Oscar Wilde's choice for translations.

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Overseas press work? SATZGEWINN provides you with consultancy and translations.

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Medical and pharmaceutical translations are not every translator's cup of tea. But
SATZGEWINN has an access to a data base of experts! Give us a call!

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Fine feathers make fine birds. SATZGEWINN's translations come tailored for you!

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Setting the tone: our translators are well versed in all the different forms and possess the expertise to write about music discerningly and with professional authority.

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Human Resources Management

Are you looking for the right candidates in each sector? We will help you reach out to them despite language barriers.

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Complex frames of reference expressed comprehensibly. SATZGEWINN's translators have mastery over the fine art of technical writing.

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The world is calling in on friends – and communication is flawless. Think translation, think SATZGEWINN …

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Would you like to go international with your sports and leisure company? We would be happy to assist you with it!

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Never "misunderestimate" (George W. Bush) the power of language. Rely on SATZGEWINN's accomplished linguists even when it comes to politics.

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Fair's fair: infallible translations of your contracts and much more.

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Software Localisation

From user interface to online help, comprehensible and user friendly: SATZGEWINN stands for consistent translations.

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Be it renewable energy sources, global warming or reactor safety - SATZGEWINN has a pool of experts for your topics on environmental issues!

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Video and Computer Games

Imaginative, rich in detail, excellent phrasing. SATZGEWINN's localisation breathes life into the game characters.

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Trade and Finance

If you want to shine on the trading floors of international economy and finance, go for translations by SATZGEWINN!

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For nothing in terms of content of your scientific texts to get lost in translation settle for professional translators right from the start: SATZGEWINN

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Translation Agency
Rated on Google with 4,8 out of 5 stars based on 9 reviews.
Kleine Spitzengasse 2-4
50676 Cologne
+49 (0)221 998 790 26service(at)satz­