Satzgewinn english » Certifications


The translation agency SATZGEWINN  has certifications which bear out our professionalism and reliability for you as a client. Interpretation and translation are not regulated professions. We therefore are at pains to emphasise that we hold academic qualifications for our profession.

Furthermore, we are members of the German Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ). BDÜ organises advanced training courses and publishes trade magazines, which keep us abreast with the latest. Over and above that we are accredited by the Higher Regional Court of Cologne to translate and certify documents.

Qualified Translator

Cannot be replaced by a computer programme!

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Qualified Interpreter

Qualified Interpreter

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Sworn Translator

Accreditation from the Higher Regional Court of Cologne

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BDÜ membership

BDÜ (German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators)

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